『ランサガ [2019] 750ml テルモ・ロドリゲス 流行のアイテム』はセカイモンでkJ-36522da39fから出品され、753の入札を集めて01月04日 14時 21分に、2,728円で落札されました。即決価格は2,728円でした。決済方法はに対応。佐賀県からの発送料は落札者が負担しました。PRオプションはストア、取りナビ(ベータ版)を利用したオークション、即買でした。
≪パーカーポイント 94+点!≫
2019 Telmo Rodr・・guez Lanzaga
The Wine Advocate
RP 94+
Reviewed by:Luis Guti・・rrez
Release Price:$50
Drink Date:2022 - 2030
When tasted next to the 2020, the 2019 Lanzaga comes through as a little more closed and austere, with a little less alcohol (14% vs. 14.5%) and with rounder tannins. It comes from 15 to 20 hectares of their own organically farmed vineyards. It fermented in concrete with indigenous yeasts and matured in 225-liter barrels and 1,500- and 2,500-liter oak foudres for 14 months. 24,527 bottles produced. It was bottled in June 2021.
I tasted the wines from Rioja from Telmo Rodr・・guez as part of the whole portfolio tasting a few months ago, and the notes were published in a specific article. But now that I have tasted most of the rest of the relevant wines from the region, I thought it would make sense to include those notes again here, for completeness of this article and context for the rest of the wines.
2020 was a challenging year, with mildew in Rioja, but they were lucky to escape the hail that didnt hit Lanciego but affected the vineyards in Labastida (Tabu・・rniga and Beatas were affected). The harvest was earlier than in 2019, but they still started the sixth of October with the terraces of Tabu・・rniga. Pablo Eguzkiza told me it was a strange year for Tempranillo, with Graciano ripening earlier than Tempranillo.
Telmo Rodr・・guez and his partner Pablo Eguzkiza keep working in different regions, although still quite focused in Galicia, reducing the volumes for entry-level wines and going for more serious wines, moving away from generic varietal bottlings and going more for site-designated wines. I tasted the fine wine portfolio that has just been released, different vintages depending on the place, looking at the very small details of each.
2022 was a very warm year, and the wines from Rueda were saved by some rain in mid-September that slowed the ripening and achieved fresh wines. In Valdeorras, they have discontinued the Gaba do Xil red and replaced the white with a single-vineyard bottling from the O Barreiro lieu-dit, also reducing volumes. Here, they are releasing mostly 2020s, except for the younger white from 2022. They are both warm years with an early harvest that resulted in ripe wines, with the complication of lots of fungal diseases in 2020 that decimated the crop. In Galicia, the organic certification is complex when you have neighbors, so they are still in a transition moment.
In Rioja, the current vintage is also (mostly) 2020, a challenging year with mildew, but they were lucky to escape the hail that didnt hit Lanciego but affected the vineyards in Labastida (Tabu・・rniga and Beatas were affected). The harvest was earlier than in 2019, but they still started the sixth of October with the terraces of Tabu・・rniga. Pablo Eguzkiza told me it was a strange year for Tempranillo, when Graciano ripened earlier than Tempranillo.
Published: Mar 01, 2024
ワイナリー: Telmo Rodriguez
品種: TempranilloGracianoGarnacha
生産地域: Spain / Rioja
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