『Champion チャンピオン オイルフィルター 輸入品販売』はセカイモンでkJ-d924925d15から出品され、445の入札を集めて01月04日 10時 23分に、3,110円で落札されました。即決価格は3,110円でした。決済方法はに対応。東京都からの発送料は落札者が負担しました。PRオプションはストア、取りナビ(ベータ版)を利用したオークション、即買でした。
Champion Oil Filter CHAMPION OIL FILTERSAll the metal components ofthese high-quality brand-name oil filters are galvanised orotherwise treated to protect against corrosion. The filter paper ispleated,hardened and mechanically joined to ensure 100% filtration.The filter element valve has metal end plates and contains a bypassvalve to ensure a perfect seal. Important:The oil filterinstallation instructions MUST be followed. These can be found byclicking on ”Documents´”.The F301 oil filter (Order no. 10050448)is replaced by F306 (Order no. 10050403). Please note the specialinstallation instructions for the F306 (Order no. 10050403). Allthe relevant information can be found in our download area.Due toproduction constraints at champion the following part numbers(10050452,10050424) being replaced by the oil filter of the brandHiflo.If you are having trouble finding the right oil filter foryour vehicle,please use our product listing in the bike database(right navigation bar).
FXSTSSE3 SE Softail Springer EFI 1450
FXSTSSE3 SE Softail Springer EFI 1450 年式: 08-09
FXSTSSE2 SE Softail Springer EFI 1450
FXSTSSE2 SE Softail Springer EFI 1450 年式: 08-09
FXSTSSE SE Softail Springer (EFI) 1450 2007-
FXSTSSE SE Softail Springer (EFI) 1450 2007-
FXSTSI Springer Softail (EFI) 1340 2003-2006
FXSTSI Springer Softail (EFI) 1340 2003-2006
FXSTS Springer Softail 1340 2000-2006
FXSTS Springer Softail 1340 2000-2006
FXSTDSE Screamin’Eagle Softail Deuce 1340 2003-2004
FXSTDSE Screamin’Eagle Softail Deuce 1340 2003-2004
FXSTDI Softail Deuce (EFI) 1340 2001-2006
FXSTDI Softail Deuce (EFI) 1340 2001-2006
FXSTD Softail Deuce 1340 2000-2006
FXSTD Softail Deuce 1340 2000-2006
FXSTD Softail Deuce (EFI) 1450 2007-
FXSTD Softail Deuce (EFI) 1450 2007-
FXSTC Softail Custom 1340 2000-
FXSTC Softail Custom 1340 2000-
FXSTC Softail Custom (EFI) 1450 2007-2010
FXSTC Softail Custom (EFI) 1450 2007-2010
FXSTB Night Train (EFI) 1450 2007-2009
FXSTB Night Train (EFI) 1450 2007-2009
FXSTB Night Train (EFI) 1340 2000-2006
FXSTB Night Train (EFI) 1340 2000-2006
FXST Softail Standard (EFI) 1450 2000-2007
FXST Softail Standard (EFI) 1450 2000-2007
FXSE CVO Pro Street Breakout 1801 2017-
FXSE CVO Pro Street Breakout 1801 2017-
FXSBSE CVO Breakout 1340 2013-2015
FXSBSE CVO Breakout 1340 2013-2015
FXSB Breakout 1690 2013-2017
FXSB Breakout 1690 2013-2017
FXS Blackline 1584 2012-2013
FXS Blackline 1584 2012-2013
FXDXT Dyna Super Glide T-Sport 1340 2001-2003
FXDXT Dyna Super Glide T-Sport 1340 2001-2003
FXDXI Dyna Super Glide Sport (EFI) 1340 2004-2005
FXDXI Dyna Super Glide Sport (EFI) 1340 2004-2005
FXDX Dyna Super Glide Sport 1340 1999-2005
FXDX Dyna Super Glide Sport 1340 1999-2005
FXDWG Dyna Wide Glide 1340 1999-2005
FXDWG Dyna Wide Glide 1340 1999-2005
FXDWG Dyna Wide Glide (EFI) 1450 2007-2017
FXDWG Dyna Wide Glide (EFI) 1450 2007-2017...
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445 入札履歴