『【輸入盤CD】Aiwass / Falling【K2023/11/3発売】 在庫有 即納可』はヤフオクでから01月04日 17時 14分に出品され01月24日 17時 14分に終了予定です。即決価格は2,020円に設定されています。現在592件の入札があります。決済方法はYahoo!かんたん決済に対応。岐阜県からの発送料は落札者が負担します。PRオプションはYahoo!かんたん決済、取りナビ(ベータ版)を利用したオークション、即買でした。
Aiwass, the Aleister Crowley-obsessed psychedelic doom project out of the American Southwest, has stretched beyond the soul-shaking soundscapes of its highly revered debut album Wayward Gods to deliver The Falling, a genre-bending experience with towering riffs, heart-wrenching melodies, layered instrumentation, and meticulous attention to detail through King Volume Records on October 13. The Falling demonstrates marked growth in the Aiwass sound-a sonic tapestry that was already complex and mature enough to push 2021s Wayward Gods to No. 11 on the Doom Charts upon release. In The Falling, Aiwass reaches further outside the psychedelic doom template to incorporate influences from classical music, black metal, country, and other genres. When I started The Falling, Aiwass founder and solo musician Blake Carrera says, I felt like doom was getting played out. I didnt want to be another copycat. I wanted to be me. As a result, this album is much more exploratory and experimental. In charge of capturing the new vision for Aiwass was Grant Husselman, the albums co-producer and long-time King Buffalo collaborator. This record wouldnt have happened without Grant, Carrera says. When we first started collaborating, The Falling was raw and scattered, even though the ideas were there. He helped shape them and give them new depth and space. He gave me the belief in myself to push beyond what I created in my early demos. The result is an innovative, jaw-rattling slab of layered harmonic doom that pushes the genre forward into new, exciting directions-becoming a complex album that should appeal to a wide variety of metal fans.
発売日: 2023/11/3
レーベル: King Volume
収録曲: 1.1 Prometheus
1.2 Gnosis
1.3 The Light of Evil
1.4 Be Not a Man
1.5 Crossing the Veil
コメント:Aiwass, the Aleister Crowley-obsessed psychedelic doom project out of the American Southwest, has stretched beyond the soul-shaking soundscapes of its highly revered debut album Wayward Gods to deliver The Falling, a genre-bending experience with towering riffs, heart-wrenching melodies, layered instrumentation, and meticulous attention to detail through King Volume Records on October 13. The Falling demonstrates marked growth in the Aiwass sound-a sonic tapestry that was already complex and mature enough to push 2021s Wayward Gods to No. 11 on the Doom Charts upon release. In The Falling, Aiwass reaches further outside the psychedelic doom template to incorporate influences from classical music, black metal, country, and other genres. When I started The Falling, Aiwass founder and solo musician Blake Carrera says, I felt like doom was getting played out. I didnt want to be another copycat. I wanted to be me. As a result, this album is much more exploratory and experimental. In charge of capturing the new vision for Aiwass was Grant Husselman, the albums co-producer and long-time King Buffalo collaborator. This record wouldnt have happened without Grant, Carrera says. When we first started collaborating, The Falling was raw and scattered, even though the ideas were there. He helped shape them and give them new depth and space. He gave me the belief in myself to push beyond what I created in my early demos. The result is an innovative, jaw-rattling slab of layered harmonic doom that pushes the genre forward into new, exciting directions-becoming a complex album that should appeal to a wide variety of metal fans.
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